How You Can Help

Everyone deserves to live without fear of violence and abuse. We need your help more than ever to break down barriers and to get victims and survivors the safe and inclusive support they need.
domestic violence campaign

Create Change

Creating positive change starts with you. One person and one workplace at a time.

Take the pledge now to show your support for LGBTQ domestic violence victims and survivors, and do your bit to help end domestic violence.

It’s simple. Read the pledge, write your name, and we’ll email you with your pledge certificate and links to helpful resources.

Why is taking the pledge so important? Silence and lack of awareness about domestic, family and intimate partner abuse in LGBTQ communities play a large part in why the violence persists. By pledging your support, you’re doing your part to help change the conversation around domestic, family and intimate partner violence and abuse.

“Having been in an abusive relationship previously and too scared to talk about it, this made me realise it’s ok to talk about it. This will give others the courage to speak up and get help sooner and hopefully not have to go through some of those rough times.”

Domestic Violence Survivor


Find more resources for victims, survivors, family, friends and the community here.

domestic violence campaign

Spread the Word

Download the resources below and spread the word on social media, on your website and email, in your workplace or community.


Awareness Pin

Large Hand Fan

Awareness Day Pack


Your donation can make a real difference to the lives of domestic violence victims and survivors. With your help, we can continue to educate victims and break down barriers to reporting and seeking help. We can educate friends, allies, workplaces and communities to identify, respond and support these victims. Plus we can make positive changes to victims accessing safer and more inclusive support.

Your donation will change people’s lives, and may even save one.

All donations over $2 are tax deductible in Australia.

domestic violence campaign

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